Celebrating 10 years of operations.

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Rohan McLellan

Managing Director, Victoria

Rohan’s leading role as  Managing Director is built on over two decades in the industry. With vast experience in sales, business strategy and the management of technical, knowledgeable teams—Rohan takes a high level view of Clover’s day-to-day and overarching goals as a business.

At Clover, Rohan combines his business acumen, extensive industry knowledge and operational expertise to keep things running smoothly across our national network. Alongside guiding the vision, direction and growth of Clover, Rohan plays a key role in sourcing new technologies and innovations alongside our exclusive product partners.

He believes that businesses are most successful when operations, logistics, sales and communications work in harmony under a common business direction—it’s why he emphasises the importance of building teams of passionate, experienced individuals that share a drive to succeed in quality and service. At Clover, the goal posts continue to shift under Rohan’s guidance, allowing the business to aim higher and achieve greater.


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